Managing DLs through Azure runbooksI will try to go through the pain points of managing Distribution lists in Microsoft.Apr 3, 2024Apr 3, 2024
Good blogs to follow, if you are interested In TechHere is a collection of blogs that I found useful and has well-written articles. This will definitely help anyone who likes to read and…Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
The best youtube channels for Developers/Designers/AspirantsHere are some of the best channels one could ask for in youtube that would help you save hours of research and simple yet interesting facts…Sep 25, 2018Sep 25, 2018
Interactive way of learning Javascript & Data structuresSo a few days back. I was wondering how to learn data structures and algorithms as well as master the JavaScript HTML css basics along with…Jun 16, 2018Jun 16, 2018
Implementing the cost effective array reducer in JavascriptToday I am gonna talk about a common problem solving question Array Reduction.Jun 13, 2018Jun 13, 2018
Let’s learn about css specificityI have always had a tough time with css but figuring out the specificity helped me a lot. I’m sure any web developer would benefit from it.May 22, 2018May 22, 2018
How Medium is changing the way I approach and learn programming.I have always had a love for technology and I longed to build cool softwares that would be useful as well as engaging. I completed my…May 18, 2018May 18, 2018